photo of outer space

talks about 10 easy ways to help our planet

photo of outer space

We all want a better world, right? It’s important to think about how we can make that happen. This article talks about 10 easy ways to help our planet and create a good future for everyone.

1. Using Clean Energy

Good Side:

  • Clean energy is like using sunshine and wind to make power.
  • It helps keep the air clean and saves our planet.

Not-so-good Side:

  • Sometimes, it costs more money to start with clean energy.
  • We need to build special machines for it.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Clean Energy Regular Energy
How it Helps Keeps air clean Makes pollution
Where it Comes From Sun and wind Oil and coal

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2. Recycling More Stuff

Good Side:

  • Recycling means using old things to make new things.
  • It stops us from making too much trash.

Not-so-good Side:

  • Not everybody is used to recycling yet.
  • It takes some time to learn how to do it right.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Recycling Not Recycling
Why it’s Good Makes less trash Makes more trash
How to Do it Learn what can be recycled Just throw away

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3. Getting Ready for Big Weather Changes

Good Side:

  • Sometimes the weather can be really strong.
  • Getting ready helps keep us safe.

Not-so-good Side:

  • Making strong buildings and plans can cost a lot.
  • Some people might not think it’s important.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Getting Ready Not Ready
Why it’s Good Keeps us safe Could be dangerous
How to Do it Make strong buildings Don’t prepare

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4. Making Food in a Better Way

Good Side:

  • Making food in a way that helps the planet is super cool.
  • It means we can have good food now and for a long time.

Not-so-good Side:

  • Sometimes, changing how we make food takes time and effort.
  • It might be a bit tricky to learn new ways.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Better Food Making Regular Way
Why it’s Good Keeps food coming Can be harmful
How to Do it Learn new ways Keep doing same

5. Learning and Making New Things

Good Side:

  • Learning and making new stuff helps us solve problems.
  • It’s like being a superhero!

Not-so-good Side:

  • Sometimes, learning and making new stuff takes time and money.
  • We might not always get it right the first time.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Learning and Making Not Trying New
Why it’s Good Solves big problems Stays the same
How to Do it Keep learning new things Stick to old ways

6. Treating Everyone Fair and Good

Good Side:

  • Treating everyone nicely makes the world a better place.
  • It helps us get along and be happy together.

Not-so-good Side:

  • Sometimes, people forget to be fair and kind.
  • It’s important to remind ourselves to do it.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Being Fair and Kind Not Being Nice
Why it’s Good Makes the world better Can make people sad
How to Do it Treat others how you want to be treated Forget to be kind

7. Working Together with Others

Good Side:

  • When we work together, we can do big things!
  • It’s like when friends team up to build something awesome.

Not-so-good Side:

  • Sometimes, working together can be hard.
  • People might not always agree on what to do.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Teamwork Working Alone
Why it’s Good Gets big things done Might take longer
How to Do it Listen to others and share ideas Do things on your own

8. Using Nature’s Help

Good Side:

  • Nature can help us in amazing ways.
  • It’s like having a superpower from the Earth!

Not-so-good Side:

  • Sometimes, we forget to ask nature for help.
  • We might not realize how powerful it can be.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Nature’s Help Ignoring Nature
Why it’s Good Helps us in big ways Miss out on benefits
How to Do it Pay attention to nature Ignore what nature can do

9. Using Smart Machines

Good Side:

  • Cool machines can help us do things better and faster.
  • It’s like having a super helper!

Not-so-good Side:

  • Sometimes, we have to be careful with machines.
  • They might not always do things right.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Smart Machines Doing Things by Hand
Why it’s Good Helps us be more efficient Might take more time
How to Do it Use machines wisely Do things on your own

10. Being Part of a Team

Good Side:

  • Being on a team means we’re part of something big!
  • It’s like being on a big adventure together.

Not-so-good Side:

  • Sometimes, being on a team means we have to share and work together.
  • It might be a bit tricky sometimes.

What’s the Difference?

Thing Team Member Going Solo
Why it’s Good Achieve big goals together Might feel lonely
How to Do it Share and work together Do things on your own


Making a strong future is something we can all do together. It’s about doing small things that add up to something really big. Let’s work together to create a better world for everyone!





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