Under the Sun

The Reality of North Korea as Seen Through the Movie “Under the Sun”

Hello. Today, I will talk about the movie “Under the Sun,” which deals with the daily life in North Korea. I was very impressed by this film. It provides significant insights to many people by showing the reality of North Korea. I recommend it to those who want to learn more about North Korea!

Under the Sun

Introduction and Overview of the Movie “Under the Sun”

The movie “Under the Sun” has received international attention for its depiction of the reality in North Korea. It showcases the discrepancy between North Korea’s image management and its actual reality, experiencing a unique production process due to surveillance and constraints by North Korean authorities.

North Korea’s Image Management and the Packaged Reality in the Movie

North Korea places great importance on managing its image to the international community. This image management aims at improving its global reputation by packaging its appearance. “Under the Sun” shows the propagandistic aspect of North Korea’s image management. However, the movie reveals a gap between the actual society of North Korea and its portrayed image, showing how the authorities attempt to distort reality.

The Movie Production Process and Surveillance by North Korean Authorities

The production of “Under the Sun” faced surveillance and restrictions by North Korean authorities. The filmmakers had to pass the scrutiny of North Korean authorities, and the content and story had to align with the government’s policies and ideology. This surveillance significantly impacted the production process.

Analysis of the Differences Between the Movie and Actual North Korean Society

“Under the Sun” captures various aspects of daily life and reality in North Korea, allowing for an analysis of the differences between the movie and actual North Korean society. For example, the movie shows residents enjoying cultural activities such as piano playing and art performances, seemingly participating freely in social life. However, in reality, it is known that they face human rights violations and forced labor.

Under the Sun

The Daily Life of North Korean Residents Captured in “Under the Sun”

“Under the Sun” captures the daily life of North Korean residents. They are exposed to a regimented lifestyle and high social pressure, facing realities such as food issues and economic difficulties. For instance, the movie frequently shows residents suffering from hunger due to food shortages.

The Reality of North Korea’s Economic Situation and Food Problems

North Korea is in a difficult economic situation. Sanctions and its own economic failures have led to serious food shortages, a critical issue directly linked to the survival of its residents. “Under the Sun” starkly presents these food issues and economic realities.

Education and Propaganda: North Korea’s Youth Education System

North Korea operates an education system that emphasizes ideology and propaganda to its youth. “Under the Sun” captures this education system. For example, the movie frequently shows youth undergoing military training and ideological education.

Under the Sun

Religion and Faith in North Korea as Seen in “Under the Sun”

North Korea is known for its limited freedom of religion and faith. “Under the Sun” offers a glimpse into the reality of religion and faith in North Korea. For example, the movie shows loyalty to the state and adoration of the great leaders acting as religious elements.

North Korea’s Foreign Relations and the International Influence of “Under the Sun”

North Korea maintains a unique stance in its foreign relations with the international community. “Under the Sun” addresses North Korea’s foreign relations and its international influence. For example, the movie deals with North Korea’s nuclear weapons development and its tense relations with the international community, indirectly showcasing North Korea’s international influence.

Under the Sun

Discussion on the Changes in North Korea and Its Current Situation After the Movie

North Korea has undergone various changes since “Under the Sun.” Discussions on the current situation in North Korea post-movie have been ongoing. For example, since the movie, North Korea has strengthened its cooperation with the international community through inter-Korean summits and discussions on solving nuclear issues. However, North Korean residents still face economic difficulties and human rights violations, with ongoing controversy and interest in these issues.

Under the Sun

The reality of North Korea, as seen through “Under the Sun,” has shocked many people and served as an opportunity to increase understanding and interest in North Korea. Although North Korea still faces many challenges and difficulties, the international community must work harder to solve these issues.


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