
How to Use Leftover Cola You Don’t Want to Waste

Today, I want to talk about how to use cola effectively. Sometimes, it’s hard to finish a whole bottle of cola at once. However, it feels wasteful to just throw it away. In such cases, there are various ways to use it. Shall we find out together?


When It’s a Shame to Throw Away Leftover Cola

If you have leftover cola, it’s better to use it in various ways rather than just throwing it away. Cola can be useful not only as a beverage but also for other purposes. In this article, I will introduce various ways to use leftover cola at home.

Making Household Cleaner with Cola

Cola contains carbonation, which is effective in removing rust and stains. Therefore, you can make a cleaner using cola. For example, soak discolored cutting boards or dishes in cola and clean them thoroughly after a few hours. You can also remove rust from keys or coins by soaking them in cola.


Keeping Flowers Fresh in a Vase

Try using cola instead of water when you put flowers in a vase. Cola contains sugar and carbonation, which help keep flowers fresh longer. However, you should mix cola with water. Mix cola and water in a 1:1 ratio in the vase to keep the flowers fresh for a long time.

Upgrading the Flavor of Meat Dishes with Marinade

Cola can add a special flavor to meat dishes. Use cola in marinades to cook delicious meat. The sweetness and carbonation of cola add rich flavor and tenderness to the meat. For example, marinate chicken in cola, soy sauce, garlic, and ginger, and then grill it. The subtle sweetness and savory aroma will complete a delicious dish.


Providing Nutrition to Plants with Cola

Cola can also provide nutrition to plants. Pour cola instead of water on the roots of plants, and they can grow healthier. The sugar and carbonation in cola help plant growth. However, you should mix cola with water. Mix cola and water in a 1:1 ratio and pour it on the plants.

Amazing Rust Remover in the Kitchen

Cola is effective in removing rust in the kitchen. If you want to remove rust from pots or pans, pour cola on them and clean after a while. The sugar and carbonation in cola dissolve and remove the rust. But be sure to clean thoroughly after using cola.


Using Cola and Vinegar as a Natural Herbicide

You can use cola and vinegar as a herbicide. When you want to manage a garden with weeds, mix cola and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio and spray it. Cola kills the grass, and vinegar removes the weeds, making it a natural herbicide.

Sticky Residue Remover in Emergency Situations

If you want to remove sticky or adhered substances from your hands or clothes, try using cola. Apply cola to the sticky area and massage gently to remove the stickiness. However, since cola contains sugar and carbonation, using it for too long can make it difficult to remove the adhered substances, so use it for an appropriate amount of time.


Making Unique Dessert Recipes with Cola

You can make various unique desserts using cola. For example, boil cola to evaporate the water, then add sugar and plant-based gelatin to set it. This will create a refreshing and fizzy cola jelly. You can also make cola ice cream by adding ice cream to cola for a delicious treat.

Fun Science Experiment, Making a Volcano with Cola

Cola can also be used to create chemical reactions. For a fun and educational science experiment, try making a volcano with cola. Put baking soda and vinegar in a small bottle, then pour cola to observe an explosive volcano eruption. This experiment allows you to learn scientific concepts and have an exciting experience through the reaction of cola and other substances.


By using cola in various ways, you can make good use of leftover cola that you don’t want to waste. From cleaners, plant nutrition, enhancing cooking, to making desserts, you can utilize the characteristics of cola in many fields. Try new ideas and creative ways to use cola!


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