Category: TRAVEL

  • The Charm of Tradition and Modern Comfort: A Hanok Stay

    The Charm of Tradition and Modern Comfort: A Hanok Stay

    If you want to experience the true charm of traveling in Korea, why not try a Hanok stay? Hanok is Korea’s traditional housing style, made from natural, eco-friendly materials like wood, paper, and stone, harmonizing with nature. Here, you can immerse yourself in Korean traditional culture while enjoying the comforts of modern amenities. What is…

  • Explore Seoul, Here’s How!

    Explore Seoul, Here’s How!

    #1. Introduction Hello, I am here to share information that can be helpful to all those who love traveling. Today, I would like to introduce travel courses and tips for ‘Seoul’, a representative city of Korea. Let’s prepare together for the best experience in Seoul, where history, culture, food, and shopping are harmoniously combined. #2.…

  • Enchanting Autumn Nights in Korea: The Gyeongbokgung Palace Nighttime Tour Festival – A Cultural Journey Illuminating Seoul’s Night

    Enchanting Autumn Nights in Korea: The Gyeongbokgung Palace Nighttime Tour Festival – A Cultural Journey Illuminating Seoul’s Night

    Hello, everyone! Today, I am delighted to guide you through one of the most enchanting experiences that begin with the arrival of autumn in Seoul – ‘Gyeongbokgung Palace’s Nighttime Tour’. This comprehensive post will provide you with an extensive understanding of this unique event and help you plan your visit meticulously. An Introduction to Gyeongbokgung…