Category: FESTIVAL

  • Harbingers of Spring: A Guide to Must-Experience Spring Festivals in Korea

    Harbingers of Spring: A Guide to Must-Experience Spring Festivals in Korea

    Spring heralds a season of warmth and new beginnings. Known as the season of blooming, spring in Korea is a special time that can be enjoyed alongside a variety of festivals. In this post, we will introduce various spring festivals in Korea and explore how to make the most of spring through these events. A…

  • The Legend of Spring, Dive into the Gyeongju Cherry Blossom Festival

    The Legend of Spring, Dive into the Gyeongju Cherry Blossom Festival

    Everything about the charm of the vibrant Gyeongju Cherry Blossom Festival, representing Korea’s spring” When spring comes, Korea is dyed with cherry blossoms. Among them, the Gyeongju Cherry Blossom Festival has a special charm. Today, we will explore the charm of this vibrant festival together. 1. What is the Gyeongju Cherry Blossom Festival? The Gyeongju…

  • Unveiling Diwali 2023: A Deep Dive into the Festival of Lights in India

    Unveiling Diwali 2023: A Deep Dive into the Festival of Lights in India

    Greetings, dear readers! As the end of October nears, our hearts and minds are brimming with anticipation for one of India’s most cherished and vibrant festivals – Diwali. Known worldwide as the Festival of Lights, Diwali is a time for celebration, introspection, unity and joy. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the…